søndag, september 24, 2006

About Reprise
(This post is going to be in norwegian since I felt like it. And this is my blog
and I can do whatever I want)

Reprise, hvordan beskriver man den. Det er en flott film, med fine bilder,
gode og overbevisende skuespillere og en fin historie. Nå skal det sies at jeg
er en forfatterspire selv og temaet hadde av den grunn lett for å fascinere meg.
Filmen tar opp temaer som kunstnerdrømmer, vennskap, kjærlighet
og mye mer og er effektiv i så henseende. Man kan nikke gjenkjennende
til noen av hovedpersonene Erik og Philips tanker og ideer og filmen
griper om deg fullt og helt. Erik var forresten favorittkarakteren min.
Reprise, hvordan beskriver man den. (Sorry, kunne ikke dy meg,
jeg har en rar humor av og til) Tittelen liker jeg forresten og jeg vil gjerne
se filmen igjen (men da hjemme på dvd uten å bekymre meg for om jeg
knitrer for mye med godteri-papiret).
Uansett, filmen er bra og anbefales på det sterkeste!

fredag, september 22, 2006

Dearest friday, you came today, but it feels like you've been here for a while.
That feeling comes when you have a writing-project which you're working
on mostly at home, "writingweek" they call it. So I've been writing,
thinking and becoming horribly tempted by my borrowed Buffy dvd's
which I have by my side most of the time when at home.
My uncle somehow got me addicted to Buffy in June and now, in September,
I have seen each and every episode.
But back to the point, which I kind of don't have when you think about it.
It's friday and tomorrow is Saturday and such a great Saturday it will be.
I'm going to the movies alone and I'm also kind of planning to win the lottery,
if one can plan that. I guess I'll post on Sunday to talk about how great
or horrible the movie was, but till then, "have a nice day!"

onsdag, september 20, 2006

Karoline was new to blogging obviously, but that didn't stop her from putting her thoughts on display for the whole wide world to see. She introduced herself in third person, explained roughly that while she was no J.K. Rowling, she was a writer in her own way, a young voice letting herself be heard above and beneath the rooftops. She was also a student, studying
to become a librarian cause that sounded truly wonderful. Karoline took a glance at her writing,
she hadn't said anything about her looks nor had she told of her interests. She couldn't imagine how her looks could be that interesting, it was entirely too normal, brown hair, brown eyes, but her hobbies was a different thing, reading, writing, nintendo, astrology and the net. It was great hobbies in her opinion and cool too. Personality-wise Karoline was creative, stubborn, imaginative, natural and a bit self-absorbed. Karoline did not know how to continue and ended her introduction with a "hello" and a "have a nice day"